Centuries ago, Men Shen were the door guards of Chinese mythology said to
protect a house from evil. Today the Men Shen is a more than formidable
sentry as well as an accomplished combatant.
Some pilots call this 'Mech a "Raven on steroids," as it has
all the of the Raven's electronic countermeasures (ECM) and sensor
capabilities as well as considerably more firepower and superior armor.
With advanced sensors, Men Shen can detect and even identify enemy forces
long, before they show up on enemy sensors, and with the ECM suite Men
Shen can "jam" enemy sensors and escape detection completely. As
with most Liao designs, the Men Shen is fast compared to other 'Mechs of
similar weight.
Unlike many scouts, the Men Shen will hold its own for some time in a
stand up fight. Deadly to many 'Mechs especially at long-ranges with pulse
lasers and lrms aboard, it can attack enemies at great length, jam their
sensors, and arrive unannounced for a quick kill.
Many commanders deploy the Men Shen as a solo reconnaissance unit or as
a point 'Mech, forging ahead for engagement when part of a team. |